What was your dream job growing up and what is it now?
- See more at: http://www.heleneinbetween.com/#sthash.grZyXyaT.dpuf
What was your dream job growing up and what is it now?
- See more at: http://www.heleneinbetween.com/#sthash.grZyXyaT.dpuf
What was your dream job growing up and what is it now?
- See more at: http://www.heleneinbetween.com/#sthash.grZyXyaT.dpuf
What was your dream job growing up and what is it now?
When I was little I had tons of dreams. Actually, nothing has changed. I'm still a dreamer. My mind is filled the majority of my day, dreaming & planning. I love dreaming. And I never want to stop.
The cool thing about following Jesus is, let me be more clear, one of the gajillion cool things about following Jesus is, is that His dreams, His plans for my life, always turn out much better than my plans or dreams. And often, it's dreams I would never have thought up. My mind is limited, even in it's dreaming state. I would never have guessed that next year we'd be moving to the Philippines. A 45 minute flight from Paradise, working with people from all over the world. I wouldn't have planned for myself or dreamt that we'd live in China for the past 3 1/2 years. But you know, God is good & has incredible plans for our life.
The cool thing about following Jesus is, let me be more clear, one of the gajillion cool things about following Jesus is, is that His dreams, His plans for my life, always turn out much better than my plans or dreams. And often, it's dreams I would never have thought up. My mind is limited, even in it's dreaming state. I would never have guessed that next year we'd be moving to the Philippines. A 45 minute flight from Paradise, working with people from all over the world. I wouldn't have planned for myself or dreamt that we'd live in China for the past 3 1/2 years. But you know, God is good & has incredible plans for our life.
Dream # 1: A Teacher
I had some pretty great ideas for my future when I was younger. The earliest memory I have of my future life of my working adult hood dreams, was Kindergarten. I'd steal sticky tac and worksheets from my teachers. I'd take that stolen sticky tac & those stolen worksheets and use them to teach my teddy bears all lined up against my bedroom wall. First dream job, teacher. And what do you know?! I'm currently teacher.
Dream # 2: Star Gazer/Astronaut
Next, by 4th grade, I became pretty obsessed with space. My mind is still fascinated. I was set on going to Space Camp, weren't all kids in Grade 4? I was pretty determined to become a star studier, in the non Zodiac sign kind of way, or an astronaut. I'm pretty sure I used to know the official term for star studier/gazer then, too. It sounded very profesh. I think this lasted all of 6 months.
Dream #3: Be Famous
Then, I moved on to greater things. These late Primary School years were filled with beauty pageants for me, so I'm pretty sure I believed I'd grow up to be Miss America or Universe. And of course, famous.
Dream #4: Hard Core but still super hot, Lawyer
Middle School I still had my famous dreams, but dreamt of fame in the Law world. I dreamt this for myself Pre-Legally Blonde. I was determined to become a hard core women something. Also, I knew I was pretty good at winning arguments with all my middle school boyfriends. So, I was a shoe in.
Middle School I still had my famous dreams, but dreamt of fame in the Law world. I dreamt this for myself Pre-Legally Blonde. I was determined to become a hard core women something. Also, I knew I was pretty good at winning arguments with all my middle school boyfriends. So, I was a shoe in.
Dream #5: Medical School & the Medical World
By late middle school, I was fascinated and fell in love with medicine. I took health science & anatomy classes, studied in my free time, drew huge brain diagrams on my bedroom mirror, visited hospitals and just took anything medicine related I could. Medicine as in 'medical field' related, I wasn't consuming bottles of meds or anything. In case you were confused.
I was set on becoming a surgeon.
I still am. Though, I know it's probably not possible now. But I still love all things related to surgery, general medicine and oncology.
By late middle school, I was fascinated and fell in love with medicine. I took health science & anatomy classes, studied in my free time, drew huge brain diagrams on my bedroom mirror, visited hospitals and just took anything medicine related I could. Medicine as in 'medical field' related, I wasn't consuming bottles of meds or anything. In case you were confused.
I was set on becoming a surgeon.
I still am. Though, I know it's probably not possible now. But I still love all things related to surgery, general medicine and oncology.
Dream to Reality: Counseling & full time ministry.
But, really, what I'll begin to do next year, counseling women in full time ministry, is really one of my greater longings in life. I started seeing this in late high school. Deep conversations, digging deep, healing, talking about Jesus, these things make me come alive. And, soon that's what I'll be doing all the time!!!
But, really, what I'll begin to do next year, counseling women in full time ministry, is really one of my greater longings in life. I started seeing this in late high school. Deep conversations, digging deep, healing, talking about Jesus, these things make me come alive. And, soon that's what I'll be doing all the time!!!
And if I Could have it all:
If days were 48 hours long and it was physically possible and acceptable to have multiple jobs, I would be a counselor 3 weeks out of the month, a surgeon a week a month, and a party planner in my free time. Of course, all these jobs would require free travel to various locations, as well. Also, I'd still be a blogger. :)
So, what were your childhood dream jobs?
What's your dream job now?
Don't stop dreaming! Do what makes you come alive!
If days were 48 hours long and it was physically possible and acceptable to have multiple jobs, I would be a counselor 3 weeks out of the month, a surgeon a week a month, and a party planner in my free time. Of course, all these jobs would require free travel to various locations, as well. Also, I'd still be a blogger. :)
So, what were your childhood dream jobs?
What's your dream job now?
Don't stop dreaming! Do what makes you come alive!

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