Random mustaches because, well, we have to have something to stroke while thinking about what to do with all of our money. Duh.
I'm linking up today with two, incredibly beautiful and hilarious ladies, Taylor and Helene, for #Blogtober14! Holla!

I used to think about what I would do if I won the lottery every day, Monday through Friday, my freshman & Sophmore year of college. On the way home from work, on the strip of I-35 between Temple and Belton, there was a huge billboard with the Texas Lottery current numbers, you know the huge dollar sign with lots of numbers after it that got my mind a wanderin' and dreamin' every time. I wonder what the guy who changes those huge numbers every week on that billboard would do with the money if he won it. You know he's thought about it! Or maybe he doesn't even play or daydream Maybe he has a very strict "no mixing work with future lottery wins dreaming" policy. Either way, I know I thought about it every week. Sometimes I'd think, "Lord, what if?! I mean really, could I win?! Maybe you'll bless me that way!" Funny thing is, I've never even bought a ticket. Just dreamed about the results of winning without a ticket. Aren't those tickets something like $5. Pshhhhh. I'm cheap, ya'll. And, priorities. You know? That's a Starbucks and a half in the States.
My grandparents always buy tickets. I hope they win someday. That'd be pretty awesome. And not just because I'd beg them to pay off all my student loans & maybe throw in a vacation to Italy because of it, but because it would be awesome for them. Also, they just bought an RV. Which some might argue is like winning the lottery. It's winning the opportunity to explore the US and hit the open road to some great conversation & jams lottery. Which actually, sounds pretty great to me.
Zachary dreams of owning an RV one day. You know, Lost in Travels, they did that. Bought an RV. I wish she hadn't stopped blogging, I bet they have some awesome stories.
But anyways, on to my future life as a millionare.
Obviously, I'd pay off our student loans. Even the ones under Zachary's name. Because I'm nice like that. ;)
Actually, I'm bringing Z in on this.
"Sweet husband, what would we do if we won the lottery?"
My grandparents always buy tickets. I hope they win someday. That'd be pretty awesome. And not just because I'd beg them to pay off all my student loans & maybe throw in a vacation to Italy because of it, but because it would be awesome for them. Also, they just bought an RV. Which some might argue is like winning the lottery. It's winning the opportunity to explore the US and hit the open road to some great conversation & jams lottery. Which actually, sounds pretty great to me.
Zachary dreams of owning an RV one day. You know, Lost in Travels, they did that. Bought an RV. I wish she hadn't stopped blogging, I bet they have some awesome stories.
But anyways, on to my future life as a millionare.
Obviously, I'd pay off our student loans. Even the ones under Zachary's name. Because I'm nice like that. ;)
Actually, I'm bringing Z in on this.
"Sweet husband, what would we do if we won the lottery?"
"We'd pay off all of our families debt. Then we'd buy a home. And then adopt some kids. Then invest in businesses that are making the world a better place. And give some away by blessing people in special ways that would bring them closer to Jesus... I'm really glad I got this!" (Talking about his Kindle that he just got for his birthday.) His answer was pretty good considering I just interrupted him from the middle of his book, and he had to take his head phones out.
Okay, back to me. ;)
What would I do? Also, can I just say, I hope it's a big jack pot?! Because there's work to be done! (Look it's even bullet-ed. This is serious work guys, planning future lottery wins.)
- We would pay off our families houses and debts. I totally agree. Debt freedom!! We're all about that. I think I'd also want to bless them with a chunk of money to invest somewhere. Help them be freed up from their debt and have some money to multiply.
- We would definitely adopt.
- I love the part about 'blessing people in a special way.' I completely agree. I don't think we'd want to give a huge amount of money to a specific organization but would love to be really involved with individuals and what they are doing, like supporting missionaries and people within some great non profit/peace making/justice seeking/people loving organizations. Also, I'd love to just be able to have endless funds to hear needs of people and meet their needs. I'd love to hear about so and so's car and how it keeps breaking down, and just buy them a new one. Or how so and so would really love to go home for Christmas but can't and then just buy them the ticket. That kind of stuff.
- Buy an awesome house in Austin, preferably one of these amazing ones off of Enfield. Or one with a great view. But eclectic and not obviously rich-y.
- Buy a house in Philly.
- Pay for family vacations to some amazing place in the mountains.
- Settle down by opening a coffee shop combo hostel.
- Buy an apartment complex for low income families and have bible studies & fun themed parties in the common area, maybe live there for the majority of the year or in the hostel, it's a toss up.
- Spend our days traveling & meeting & counseling with people with Beauty for Ashes.
- I'd throw some awesome, all out, aesthetically amazing parties. And I'd be the party planner. Not the keg/alcohol drinking type parties but the classy type. You know, like Harry Potter murder mystery parties & Hunger Games parties. That kind of stuff.
- A Europe trip.
- A Capetown to Cairo trip.
- New Zealand road trip.
- Really just lots of travel, too.
- And, because I've always wanted them, I'd buy a pair of Uggs.
Also, I'd loose 50 pounds. Oh wait, money can't buy that, right? Dang. I guess I'm gonna need a trainer and personal chef, too. ;) ;)
What would you do if you won the lottery?
Want to join in on the fun?! Here's the prompts for Blogtober14!

opening a coffee shop! that was something my husband and I did for fun once, and found out it was a lot of work along with our other business and busy life. If we won the lottery we could do it for fun. Why didn't I think of that? I'm excited to click around your blog to see what takes you to China! :) thanks for stopping by my blog. Blessings!
You two won the lottery when you found each other! Actually, you know, Heather, Zachary, is the mate that I began praying for God to give you when you were just a little girl. I believe that totally. Since we don't buy lottery tickets, I could only dream about it, too. We've done the traveling/RV thing, so I know your other grandparents will enjoy their time on the road. I'd do many of the things you mentioned, as our hearts are similar. Mostly, I'm just happy where I am, serving The Lord and giving back as He has blessed us. And, I'm thinking that our family members are my biggest win of all. And special friends that we share life with--those who encourage and love us as if we are family! You two have those kinds of brothers and sisters, and I'm so thankful! We are rich in that way, and so are you!!
Great post! Always love seeing your heart in your blog posts. Love and miss you both very much. .
We are heading to Houston today and a great TGI State Convention! Ready for inspiration, renewal, and to be with some of the most special people on earth with whom we share one common purpose! Take care and know you are loved and prayed for so much!! Grandma Carolyn
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