How are you love?! This is your future self. You get real cool when you grow up. Real Cool. Please see above photo for proof. Ya. You rock. Little one, listen carefully. Live your life. Live it. Stop worrying about things. Stop being so full of all those insecurities. Later on in life you will realize that these insecurities about what you look like are lies. They're just lies. Your worth is not in your outside appearance little one. Your worth is in the Lord and He finds you beautiful. Oh, and so does this guy below.
Ya, he kind of adores you. And guess what!? He's your husband! He's kind of amazing. I know he looks slightly creepy in the above photo, but he doesn't always look like that. He's extra hot. So, save yourself alot of heart ache & drama & protect your child hood. Don't worry about boys! Trust me, this one above comes along & you will wish that you saved it all for him.
Stop working so much, but if you insist, save some of it dang it. Really, listen to your Economics teacher senior year. Do what he says. He's smart. Also, never get a credit card. It's a bad idea.
Also, cherish your family. Stay home on week nights, get to know your brothers & sister more. You will forever be grateful. Treat your mom better. Hang out with your dad & grandparents. You will really miss them later in life when you live overseas for what feels like forever. Also, Danielle & Juliette are where it's at as far as high school friends go. They will be with you later in life. Also, Kerri. Don't loose touch with her. You will miss her later. Invest in those relationships. You will cherish them forever.
And, please invest in Apple Stock.
With love,
Your Future Self

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