I stole this "Life Lately" list from the ridiculously gorgeous Kaelene at Unlocking Kiki. I just started reading Unlocking Kiki the past few weeks and I am hooked. It's now one of the blogs I check daily for new posts. Kaelene is hilarious, has great travel posts and lives in Iceland with her Icelandic BF, which is awesome. I love reading all the cultural stories she has. I highly recommend reading her blog! It's legit guys.
Wearing: Work out clothes. Always work out clothes. The last month or so as soon as I got home from work I changed into my work out clothes. Usually, I did this to work out, but also to just be comfortable. It's getting extra hot and muggy in Qingdao now and work out clothes are just the most comfortable things to wear. Now that school's out, I hop out of bed and put on my work out gear first thing. It's motivation to eat healthy and make sure I get a work out in all day.
Loving: Zachary. I just love him so much and find myself loving him so much more lately. It's cheesy but it's true. I really feel like our love is constantly growing and it's such a blessing. It's good that work is almost over for both of us so that we can just enjoy each other more.
Needing: Rest. This past year was a doozy for us & we're needing some R&R. I'm so thankful our holiday is almost here.
Eating: Just got home from Chinese hot pot with our Chinese family, Justin, Jenny and David. Also, we walked home and I got a soda flavored Popsicle, and it was heck-a good. It was like a mix of cotton candy, soda and coconut flavor, yum.
Watching: It's the same. Always. The Office. We went to two movies this past week though. Transformers 4, which was okay but soooo long and Maleficent, which was amazing.
Feeling: A lot of anxiety lately. Not the greatest answer, but honest. Also, thankful. Thankful for such great friends, family and church. We're just feeling so blessed.
Drinking: Water! I love water and these hot days are beckoning me to the water jug over and over. Also, decaf iced coffees and decaf sugar free non fat caramel macchiotos!
Writing: Blog posts, budgets and journal pages to Jesus.
Training: I'm pseudo training for a half marathon. I haven't quite started the actually training plan but I've been running consistently good distances and will start the training plan real soon.
Wanting: To go home and see our family! We can't wait until Spring Festival to hug all their necks.
Missing: Family & best friends.
Wondering: What our little babies will look like one day.
Looking: At all the beautiful hydrangeas filling out apartment complex. Every since our wedding I'm just obsessed with them. They're so darn beautiful.
Thinking: About giving away tons of clothes. Still thinking about it... not in the action plan yet. Just thinking. Soon though, very soon, I will have no more time to think about it and will be required to purge my closet and all of our possessions in preparation for the future.
Reading: A 60 year old print of The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. It smells wonderful like all old books smell. It has some nice coffee stains, a few loose pages, and Oak Park, Illinois public library stamps all over it. It's fabulous. I feel like I'm doing something really special while reading it.
Laughing: At how cute our girl dog is moving all the pillows on the couch to find her perfect spot, after we've just cleaned up and set the pillows out nicely. She could care less! She's the queen of the couch.
Wishing: Our family could come to Qingdao for the summer. It's such a wonderful time in Qingdao. You can just feel the city buzzing with excitement that it's the summer!
Dreaming: of the day I can fit back into all of my clothes. Slow and steady, it will happen with the Lord's strength.
Anticipating: Our trip to the Philippines next week! I'm so excited to explore our future home and get some much needed rest & relaxation.
What's going on in your life lately?
Again, this completely awesome list is from Unlocking Kiki! Read her list here.
Again, this completely awesome list is from Unlocking Kiki! Read her list here.

Thanks so much for the sweet shoutout, so glad your enjoying my blog! I wish my family could come visit this time of year as well. Has your family been to visit you yet? And have an awesome time on your trip next week!
Angel saw Transformers, but I skipped it. Too long with too many explosions for my taste. I am a fan of The Office, though!
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