This past weekend was my brother & new sister's wedding. We
hosted the reception in my mom & step dad's backyard. It was amazing
but no one had as much fun as Sophie! The girl knows how to party! She
was the flower girl & was promised a big chocolate bar if she did a
good job. I think this promise alone set the precedence that wedding's
are places you get down & let loose! hehe.
the ceremony, Sophie's party already started. She was running around
the gardens with her little white dress flowing & her blonde hair
like a painting, you guys. She looked straight out of secret garden. We
had to fix her flower crown several times & a few times I saw her
walk by me with her hair amiss, super amiss & super sweaty. She was
having everyone play monster & chase her & running as much as
possible. She was having the time of her life.

"Chase me monster! Chase me!"
During the ceremony time, you'd never know her hair was so cray-cray just a few hours before. She was the picture of grace. Gently plucking each petal from her basket & dropping it down. She made her way to the front, sat in my mom's lap & was perfect. Quiet as a mouse. She did such a great job!

After full filling her flower girl duties & making her way to the reception, at her own house, where she feels most comfortable, the party started up again.
We now know that this girl LOVES weddings! And dance floors. Upon, entering the backyard, she made her way straight to the dance floor. How she even know that was the area for dancing is beyond me because no one was dancing yet! She didn't let that stop her! She was dancing up a storm. She even had a dance on the ground rolling around to the music. Girl can work it.
We now know that this girl LOVES weddings! And dance floors. Upon, entering the backyard, she made her way straight to the dance floor. How she even know that was the area for dancing is beyond me because no one was dancing yet! She didn't let that stop her! She was dancing up a storm. She even had a dance on the ground rolling around to the music. Girl can work it.
At one point, I walked over to her & said "Sophie, do you want to dance?" with my arms outstreched to her to which she replied with some sass to her voice, "I'm already dancing!" Total rejection.
Another time my 8 year old cousin came in to tell on Sophie because dancing queen wouldn't "let anyone else on the dance floor!" My grandma made sure to have a talk with her about how the dance floor was for sharing.
She's wondering when they'll move off the dance floor so she can start dancing again. ;)
Through out the night Sophie was spotted with chocolate & brownies constantly in her hand. The s'mores table was filled with unwrapped chocolate bars & the counter with brownie bites with strawberries, her favorite. Both the table & counter holding these tempting sweets were directly at her arm's reach, too. A little chocolate loving girl's heaven.

Caught red handed.
Sophie danced the night away while shoving her face with chocolate. She was laughing, running, playing, blowing bubbles on the edge of the dance floor at the Bride & Groom during their first dance. She was the life of the party!

Come 11 pm, all that sugar & adrenaline came crashing down, though. Leaving Sophie passed out on the couch. :) To which we had a Zach Attack moment by sticking some chocolate in her mouth. Precious baby, started eating the chocolate in her sleep. Hehe. So sweet. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: She only ate a TINY bit of the chocolate we stuck in her mouth while sleeping. Tiny. Like just sucked off the very end of the chocolate. We in NO WAY were to blame for the following day.

Anyways, we got some silly pictures with Sophie, to which she cracked up at the next day.

The next day, as you can imagine would happen when a little girl runs & dances all night with a belly of chocolate & sweets that she kept sneaking, she threw up chocolate & brownies the next morning. Classic sweets hangover. ;) Don't worry though, she's fine now & asked for more chocolate later that morning. (To which she got a resounding NO!)
Overall, I think Sophie had a heck of a time. I won't be surprised if over the next few months when we ask her what she wants to do she says she wants to go to a wedding.
Overall, I think Sophie had a heck of a time. I won't be surprised if over the next few months when we ask her what she wants to do she says she wants to go to a wedding.

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