Can you guys believe it's July already? Holy moly the year is flying by. Before we know it Fall will be here! But, before it does, can I just say, that I'm loving summer. I've said in a million in one posts that I don't like summer. But by golly, yes, I just said that, I'm really enjoying summer this year! And I say this while sitting outside on a porch in a rocking chair (maybe that's why I like summer, sounds pretty awesome, right?!). Texas summers have not been the dread & gloom I remembered & worked them up to be. They've been nice, refreshing & obviously, sunny but sunny in a good way. Sunny in the, "I want to smile & praise God I'm alive!" kind of way. Anyways, that's all this post is about, is just to say I like summer now, I think. :) I'm not going to go all Olaf about it (haha, get it?) but I like it. Also, I'll post some photos of our time with my brother, Jacob & his fiance, Lauren. In the words of my itty, bitty sister, "yippee, kai yaa!"

We went to Waco's one of two cool coffee shops, Dichotomy. But it's like really cool. I dig it.

Then we took girl-dog & Sierra, Jake & Lauren's pup, to the little dog park in their apartment complex. Chara was salivating like a rabid thing & got gross-ness all over her head.

We played in the swings, while Lauren did the hard work, throwing toys to the dogs.

And that's all folks. Also, I miss you blog. I think I'll start coming around again.
Happy Summer Readers.

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