Last week our dear friends, The Esser's, invited a close group of us over for a night of caroling. They prepared some warm & cozy mulled wine, cheese & crackers, and a fantastic Christmas playlist with the nights Christmas carols. They even had a fireplace app set up on the TV, for extra coziness, and printed out lyrics to our carols for the evening. Following a tradition Justin & Catherine participated in in South Africa, where Catherine is from, we all were given a candle to hold during caroling.

I loved the candles all over the house! It made the scene very relaxing and definitely set the mood for caroling & Christmas.

Love, love, love this picture taken by Catherine. 

Even Elijah joined in on the evening! Isn't he just the cutest!? He was wearing an especially cute Santa hat this night.

Trent & Angie. :)
After caroling Justin had prepared an amazing slide show with pictures of all 7 of us at Christmas as kids. He had emailed all of our families asking for old pictures and compiled the slide show. It was amazing seeing pictures of Christmas' past & our families! It was also so cool to be able to see pictures of some of our closest friends as they grew up. What awesome friends we have, huh?!
Thank you Justin & Catherine (and Eli!) for a great night of caroling! Thank you for being family. We are so blessed!

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