This is a post to simply show how sweet my little sister, Sophie looked at church the other day. How precious is she in this white dress? She's hilarious guys. She says the funniest things, as kids do. I loove it. Right now, she's having trouble pronouncing the first letter to most of her words. So, it's quite adorable that she calls Zachary "Brother Ack!" She's obsessed with Chara! My mom asks her, "Sophie, who are your sisters?" She says, "Heather, Harly & Chara." Since she's only 3, it's unclear as to whether or not she actually believes Chara is her sister! ha.

At church every Sunday, it's a routine that she's started, that everyone goes into the church library and sits down where she tells them to at the kids table, so Sophie can give them the stuffed animal decorations decorating the library she selects for them. She gave daddy the bear above. hehe.

She's a little ham and comes up with the most random, cute stuff. I'm loving getting to know her!
Do you have kids/small siblings/students? What are the cute things they say/do?

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