It's funny how the smallest of experiences can be the biggest of encouragements in following the Lord. Because, that's the thing though, isn't it, sometimes things that seem so small, actually are huge to your heart. And sometimes those small but huge things are the reminders we need that God is with us. That He never leaves us. That He's for us and good and oh so faithful.
In Thailand we had one of those small but huge moments.
We were on our awesome and relaxing road trip when we hit a pot hole and got a huge bubble in our tire. We were far up into Northern Thailand and about 3 1/2 hours out of Chiang Mai, where we needed to get back to for the night. To get a bubble in our tire, when we had that trip ahead of us, and the sun was about to set, was deflating. Pun intended. ;) We found a spot to pull over, which just happened to be at a hill tribe village entrance, which worked out perfect, and Zachary and some of the locals changed our tire out for the donut in the trunk, while I toured the village. I say Zachary and some locals changed it but really what I mean is, in usual Thai hospitality, the locals took over and refused to let Zachary do any labor. They changed the tire and sent us on our way.

We knew we needed to find a tire shop soon, as it would have probably not been a smart idea to drive the 3 1/2 hours, which included several windy stretches, in the dark, and through the mountains, on a donut. So we just started praying for God's provision and trusting that He'd provide. About 30 minutes later, He did, in a small enough town that we're not even sure the name. We pulled into a tire shop and were immediately greeted by a group of young guys, eager to help us. We quickly found out that 3 of the 5 were Christians. We would tell them thank you for their help and they would quickly say, "No thank God! It's dangerous. Oh, thank God." We, in our zero Thai, their broken English, our Chinese, and hand motions, shared in God's goodness, praising Him. We felt so blessed by them and their love for Jesus, in the middle of North Thailand, on this random night, surrounded by temples & a culture thats predominately Buddhist. They loved Jesus. It just flowed from their lips and we felt it in their spirit. One of the guys was Chinese who had lived in Thailand for 9 years. We shared and laughed in Chinese, thankful again, for more ways to communicate. We met his wife and son, and sang "happy birthday" to his son, who's 4th birthday it was. We just happened to get there for his birthday and were able to gift him with the treats we had in our car. It was good and a sweet moment.

We left these guys, new tire on, a nicer tire than what was on it and for a little over $10, with our hearts full. We left their shop at sunset and felt a peace go with us as we approached all the mountains and treacherous, windy roads we drove so slowly on, in the day, on the way through and would have to now drive at night. We felt a little anxious about all the curves and the darkness but had a confidence in our Protector and Provider and we felt giddy. Giddy at the time we had with those guys and giddy at how awesome God is.
These small moments, connecting with other believers, feeling that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, dwell in them and in us, brings life to our weary bones and it doesn't matter where we go, He's there. And faithful and provides for our needs, no matter how small or trivial.
Where shall I go from Your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there!
If I make my ben in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there Your hand shall lead me,
and Your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,'
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
Psalm 139:7-12
1 comment :
Oh wow--this story gave me such a smile! That's definitely one worth remembering. Love these kind of reminders!
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