Texas State Fair September 25 – October 15
Pumpkin Picking at a Pumpkin Patch (like a real one, not one in a Church parking lot)
Carve our pumpkins that we got at said awesome pumpkin patch
Make some Pumpkin Butter from the pumpkins we got at.. okay, I'll stop sorry.
Make an Apple Pie
Make Pumpkin Bread from the pumpkins we got.. okay. J/k. Not funny anymore, I know.
Decorate our back porch
Wear something plaid because I'm trendy
Go Camping
Pick Persimmons & Make something Persimmony
Pick Pecans
Have a Bonfire
Roast Marshmallows
Go to a Football game (It doesn't matter what kind! College, Pro, (<ya, right! We can't afford either of those tickets) high school, Little league, whatever, as long as it's football!)
Make popcorn Balls
Find a favorite fall candle
Make hand print turkeys with Sophie
Go to a Corn Maze
Hike Enchanted Rock
Host a Soup Party Sharing our Laoshan New Spring tradition!
Maybe Wurstfest November 6-15
What am I missing? What is on your Fall Bucket List? Tell me, tell me, please!

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