It's been awhile since I posted last. Our lives are crazy right now but here are a few updates as to why we've been so bust & some things that have been happening around here. :)
I got a new domain name for The Mosbys in China AND switched to Word press. I'm still working out the kinks. Okay, let me rephrase, working out the kinks is on my to-do list. So hopefully the new site will be up & running soon.
We signed a lease for an apartment for the next 8 months. In America. It has a pool & a gym, so that's exciting!
We've discovered that Chara is OBSESSED with swimming.
My nephew turned 1!
My future sister-in-law graduated from culinary school.
We found out my mom has pancreatic cancer at the end of May. Many of our days have been filled with stuff to do with that. Right now I am writing this in a chair next to her hospital bed.
My papa passed away. The same day we found out my mom had a mass on her pancreas. June was a blur.
We got jobs. I work for Stitch Fix! He works security.
We aren't sure what our lives are right now. We are taking it day. by. day. > The Step by Step theme song just popped into my head. Remember that show?!
My camera broke a few months ago so all the photos of our day to day life & events are being taken with my I-phone, which equals few photos & mostly blurry ones.
I went to an amazing blogging conference. I met some incredible women & drew closer to the Lord. It was such a good weekend. I can't wait to share more about it with you.
I'm really in to listening to podcasts these days. Podcasts you guys, they're awesome.
We just had amazing, China friend reunion last weekend. It was refreshing to our souls!
That's all for now. I'm itching to blog lately. I'm really hoping I can start setting aside time to but I'm also trying to have a lot of grace with my self lately. So we'll see.

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