Every year, there is one day of the year that I make a purchase that is the most significant purchase of all my 364 days of the year. That day is the day I purchase the next years planner. Sounds dramatic, I know. But it's the truth. Planners are my life line to all my productivity, lists, birthdays, homework, schedules, eating, and you know all those other things that planners are used for. My planner becomes like a living journal of my life. I decorate it, each year a different 'style' of decoration, depending on my mood & age. I've saved all my planners through the years, since my freshman year of high school. It's amazing to look back and see what I did on a specific day over 10 years ago!

So, as you can see, I'm obsessed. I love, love, love my planners. So, I spend a good amount of time searching on Etsy for the perfect one,
comparing my choices to the forever famous but very expensive Erin
Conrad planner, searching my favorite bloggers blogs for their planner recommendations & googling 'the best planners' and other clever google search terms. The last 3 years, through all my
research, I've always come back to & chosen this planner from Plum Paper Designs, though. I love everything about it. It's exactly what I want in a planner.

Plum Paper Designs have tons of choices on covers. This year I chose this beauty. I love that I could put my favorite photo of Zachary and I on the cover and I kind of love the design.

The planner opens to a quick layout of 2015 and 2016 for future planning and reference. It has a thick, strong wire binding, monthly layouts with 'birthdays,' 'events,' and 'notes' sections to the sides, weekly layouts, note and check list pages.

It also has these fantastic and colorful tabs. Love them! When buying on PPD, you get to decide what months you want your planner to span. I choose to add 6 months, taking this planner into 2016.

Also, fabulous little extra sections towards the back of the planner, like this special dates page. PPD even have tons of choices for 'add ons' to your planner, like extra check lists, bill tracker pages, monthly cleaning charts and stickers, to name a few. They also have whole section add-ons, like home planning, baby life planning, direct sales and so on. So many choices! Love!

I also love the double sided pocket in the back of the planner. My pockets fill up fast! It's also a great place to store a pad of sticky notes.

As you can see, this planner is money. It's beautiful, functional and just perfect for my year of planning & list making! Not only is it a great planner but it's affordable. Only $35. Which may sound like a lot to those who don't use planners that often, but $35 in the world of fantastic customizable planners, it's a fantastic price. It's not too late to start getting planning your 2015 time better! If you need a planner, I highly recommend one from Plum Paper Designs! :)
*I haven't been paid or asked to write this post by Plum Paper Designs, or anyone, but I just love this planner and this company so much, I couldn't resist blogging about it!
*I haven't been paid or asked to write this post by Plum Paper Designs, or anyone, but I just love this planner and this company so much, I couldn't resist blogging about it!

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