I know it's been awhile since I've done a life lately post. Sorry family, you're probably wondering what the heck it is that we are doing over here all the time. We are, as usual, crazy busy. The good kind of busy and the bad. Some days we feel so extremely blessed with all the friendships God's given us here, all the students He's entrusted to us and all the experiences we have. Other days we feel like we want to cry or pull our hair out from getting to bed at night and it being the first time we've stopped the whole day, our kids not listening or our internet not working and Zachary having to fix it for 2 hours every 2 hours and 5 minutes. It's life, though, you know? We live real life here. We pay bills. We work 50 hours a week, no really, 50. We make dinner, clean, buy groceries, meet with friends, go to church. Anyways, more on that later. Overall, we are so thankful for the life that God has given us, the good and bad, the crazy and peaceful.
Because we've been so busy, we've been trying to squeeze in set aside, just us, date nights. We have usually been really great at this and honestly most nights feel like dates, but these days, with the business, it's nice to be more intentional about them. This week we opted to stay in for some dumplings and wine & watermelon juice.
Our favorite dumplings are kimchi and pork dumplings.
Spring is in the air. I don't enjoy warmer weather, I know, I'm like the one person on Facebook and blog land not longing for summer. I will say though that the blooms that are starting to pop around out complex are just gorgeous and they smell so, so, so very good.
Love cherry blossoms. Aren't they just so beautiful?
We love our time with this sweet girl and her parents every week. We try to have dinner with Amber and CJ every Sunday to catch up and connect with the Lord. They are such an encouragement to us. This past week, Jessica and Marrick came too, which of course, we were so, so very happy about.
One of the high school students I tutored last year, Cindy, went to Canada for school and just came home for a visit on her Spring Break. She brought us some Tolberlone and these Lindt balls. Who knew those were Canadian brands?!
I recently went over to a coworkers house for lunch. We spent the afternoon admiring the little ones while he admired his new toys.
Nicole, our new house guest and roommate, had a friend over the other night and they made Oreo cheesecake. it was amazing and has got me craving cheesecake like everyday. I'm resisting though. :)
Oreo cheesecake... the bomb diggity.
Zachary has insistently tried to persuade me to move this shelf in the front hallway. I have insistently refused his requests. I just.. don't like it. It throws off everything. The other day I took a nap, and what do you know, the shelf magically appeared in the hallway. It's been there a week now and I haven't moved it... so I guess, it might, just maybe stay there.
He washed all the shoes that were on it in the washing machine. In the washing machine! I didn't even know you could do that. But he did. So, I couldn't complain too much. ;)
This is currently our lunch 3 to 4 times a week. Subway salad, with extra veggies, with tuna and mustard on top.
I'm bringing back my reward system for my tutoring kids. They are getting a little cray-cray. And the office just looks so very dreary. It's in need of color and a new paint job!
For now, these colorful pockets will work.
Check out those gorgeous tape skid marks on the wall. Really, we need a paint job!
One of my classes at school earned a party this past week. If I could play match maker and only had one chance to make a couple out of my kids, I'd put these two together. Really, you guys. I'm convinced they will be married in 20 years. They really would be perfect for each other. I mean I know they are only like 8, but still, I just know it. :)
Love you guys. Mosby's Out. :)