We finally made it to New York during "the most magical time of the year" last year. I don't know why I have that in quotations as if I was quoting someone saying it. I'm not quoting anyone in particular but I am sure that someone at some time was bound to have said it about New York at Christmas and so the quotations remain.
There is a reason that when you think of New York at winter, you think Christmas. There's something magical about New York at all times of the year but when you thread in the lights, the trees, the iceskating and the occasional flurries of snow into the fabric of this amazing city, it's magic like no other time.
After my mom passed away last year, I needed a trip for my soul. I pretty much feel the need for this at all times but December of last year, especially, I longed to get away for a few days, to remember her, to feel more alive, to connect with God, and just pause.
New York is never restful or quiet, per say, but it speaks to my heart in ways that sitting before a waterfall or cruising on the lake at sunset does. And winter sings of Jesus to my soul the way that the beach does for others. Not to mention, Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. I mean, isn't it for most? This city, Christmas-loving, winter girl was in bliss on the streets of New York last December.
I think New York at Christmas is almost a tradition that we all grew up with, too. From the Christmas Parae, to Home Alone 2, to nearly every winter-based chick flick growing up (Hello, You've Got Mail!), the sparkly Christmas lights and Rockefeller Tree are essentials.
Zachary and I went to see Wicked on Broadway, which is UH-MAZING, people-go see it!, and we stepped out of the show into the crisp 10:30 pm air just in front of Times Square. On principal and taste, I find Times Square rather unappealing but I will say that all of those lit up billboards added to the magic of our evening.

A terrible picture, yet proof that we saw Wicked.

The city streets around Times Square.

With the Rockefeller tree lit till Midnight daily, we knew we had just enough time to go check it out. We lazily hailed a taxi, versus taking the subway, and had him drop us off at the giant Christmas balls at 1251 Avenue of Americas, which I'm sad to say that I didn't even know about until a week before this trip.
Ya'll, I was so overjoyed on this trip, I didn't even care that I was wearing a puffy jacket that made me look 50 pounds heavier. No cares, at all. Also, should you be in New York City at Christmas, I highly recommend visiting all of these cheery sights late at night. The hoards of crowds have retired for the evening, leaving the place almost all to yourself.

A short walk across the street from the Christmas balls finds you at Radio City Music Hall which of course, looks better at night.
Another short walk later, we arrived at the famous Rockefeller Tree.

These grainy pics of us were the best we could get. We probably should have just asked someone to take a picture of us, or had brought out a selfie stick, but we didn't. Oh well!
The walk around the Rockefeller Plaza is filled with little treats for the eyes to behold- from the Lego Store display, to giant wooden drummer boys lining the walk, sea nymphs, to the famous ice skating rink, there's so much that adds to the magic and all of it has the giant Norway spruce in view.
Of course a visit to Rockefeller Center at Christmas wouldn't be complete without the wired Christmas Angels that have heralded the walk since 1954.
Less than a block over the stunning Saint Patrick Cathedral towers over Fifth Avenue and of course, a short walk down Fifth and we found all of the funky to cheery window displays and gorgeous architecture.
Our night walk ended at The Plaza around midnight. We, like lost kids in the City, searched and searched for a subway station. Not lucky for us, both of our phones died, so they were zero help to us in finding a stop but thankfully, we found one after 20 minutes or so. We jumped on the subway, and headed back to our home for the week in Brooklyn. By the time we sat down, our fingers and toes were frozen, our cheeks were flushed, but my heart was so happy!