
Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch

In an effort to complete items on my Fall Bucket List & Fall Photo Scavenger Hunt I googled corn mazes in Texas & it just so happened that just 45 minutes away was a huge corn maze AND pumpkin patch! So, I got some of the family motivated to join & we headed there one Sunday after church. That weekend my parents were babysitting Sebastian, my nephew, so he got to join in on the fun, too. DSC_0229DSC_0231DSC_0232 
The corn maze & pumpkin patch were located at Barton Hills Farm. They had tons of activities for the kids & adults to enjoy. They had slides, bounce bags, roping, hay rides, pumpkin painting & more. :) DSC_0234 
We got there slightly late, with only an hour before the Farm closed, so we decided to do the corn maze first. They had all different 'passports' to choose from. They had super easy to super hard passports. Each had 10 themed questions on them that had directions based on your answer. We picked the Corny Passport as it was a medium level & we had limited time. DSC_0235 
One super obvious thing that I didn't realize when making my Fall Bucket List was that a corn maze is a maze of corn. Ha! I mean, I knew this but I didn't think through what that meant. It sounds all romantic, running through cornfields, but actually, once you get in there, it's just the same view. Corn stalk after cornstalk. Had the stalks still been filled with ears of corn that we got to pick or something, it would have been more interesting. After a few minutes in the maze, you kind of start wishing you could get out & go to the beer stand & listen to that great music you hear in the distance. You know? DSC_0236 
But anyways, all that matters is that we did one & made it out with in a reasonable amount of time. DSC_0238 
The property was gorgeous. The corn fields were on the left & a river was on the right. Between was beautiful rolling (slightly rolling) hills (slight inclines of land), green grass & beautiful oak trees. DSC_0241DSC_0243 
Coming out of the cornfield by black ankle boots (so fall trendy, I know) were covered in dust. DSC_0249 
Sebastian & Sophie had fun playing on all the little toys they had. Well, Sebastian had fun escaping. DSC_0247
This was Jeff's experience most of the day. Chasing after an escaped & adventurous Sebastian! DSC_0260 
Sophie & Mommy on a "baby & mommy horse." Such cuties!DSC_0274 
We really liked this game!DSC_0267DSC_0268DSC_0269 
Two photos because it's not that often that you get this little bugger to smile!DSC_0280 
Even Brother "Ack" got in on the fun.DSC_0288DSC_0289DSC_0290 
After the corn maze & games, we made our way to the little pumpkin patch. Technically, I don't think this counts as a "real" patch as I think I was imaging pumpkins still on vines or something, but I'm checking it off anyways. :) DSC_0293DSC_0296DSC_0310DSC_0311 
Sophie was all kinds of cooperative this day with photos! Which was wonderful. Sebastian on the other hand was a little too sleepy & fascinated with the pumpkins to smile. But they're still precious, smiles or no smiles. DSC_0322DSC_0323DSC_0330DSC_0331 
After we got home we carved our little pumpkins. We bought three. One for Zachary & I, one for Sophie & one for Sebastian. DSC_0333 
As I'm sure you all know, kids don't really pumpkin carve. They basically just hold a spoon that they occasionally stick inside the pumpkin & pick up a seed or two with. My mom & I ended up doing all the carving. She did the scooping & I did the 'designing." :) We made Sebastian's a bat & Sophie's a cat. By the time I got to Zachary & I's pumpkin I was feeling pretty confident in my pumpkin carving skills so I tried to carve Dwight Schrute's face. Ya. That didn't work out so well! I ended up having a to create a huge hole in the back of the pumpkin & a normal triangle eye face on the front.
DSC_0343  I sort of loved carving the pumpkins with those amazing pumpkin carving kits you can get here in the States. I can't believe we carved 15+ pumpkins last year with kitchen knives. Our hands were calloused & raw at the end of it. Thankful for the little conveniences. :)DSC_0345post signature

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