
Last Minute Easter Printables

Hey friends! 
I am currently making these cuties for gifts to those who join us for our Easter gathering tomorrow.
While perusing Pinterest for an Easter printable to place in them, I thought,
 "There are too many wonderful printables here not the share them!"

So, here you go. 
Some adorable Easter Printables!
It's not too late to print them out small and write a card to the neighbor, 
family, barista at Starbucks, friends or who ever on the back!

None of these printables are my own. 
You can find their PDF's and source below each pic!
By Bobbie Byrd
at Clumsy Crafter
Download PDF here!
By Tammy 
at Rantin' and Ravin'
Download PDF here!
By Shannon & Dean
at Aka Design
Download the PDF here!
By TinyMe Store
Download your PDF here!
By Aimee
at Sprik Space
Download the PDF here!

Have a lovely Easter!
He is Risen!


Biggest, Baddest, Bucket

Hey guys! 
Would you all be totally awesome and vote for my sweet friend, April?! Remember April? She blogs over here at AprilMaura.com & is the ingenius creator of the 10,000 Smiles Project
She's entered a travel contest, that if she wins, she gets an around the world ticket & $50,000! 
Just click that awesome circle below to vote for her & watch her video!

Vote for me

Thank you loves!
Have a good weekend!! 


He Washed Feet

Saturn is the least dense planet. 
It could float on water. 
That's pretty insane, huh?
Saturn Earth Comparison2
I'm a little bit obsessed with space.
My Pinterest 'amazing stuff' board is filled with space related pictures right now.
It's just kind of out-of-this-world-crazy to me that we are this tiny speck in the Universe.

Our solar system is orbiting, right now, the center of our galaxy at 67000 km per hour.
That's insane in the membrane, people.
And it takes it around 200 million years to orbit it once.
Planets of the Solar System
We're so small and our time here is like a blade of grass, in comparison.

Tonight (ish), 2013 years ago, Jesus and His disciples sat down for their last supper together.
And Jesus, taking water and a towel, washed their feet. 

And you know what, that's so much more exciting and beautiful than all the stars in our galaxy.
In the midst of all of time & all the planets & all the stars, 1979-ish years ago, 
God became flesh, and dwelt among us. 
And proclaimed, that the Kingdom of Heaven was here.
On Earth.

And He washed our feet. 
The One whom all of this, all these stars, all this vast beauty, was made through,
washed our insignificant feet, calling them, significant.
And then He took bread and He took wine and He broke it & poured it, and told us to remember Him.
To remember how He washed our feet. 
To remember what this bread and wine stand for.
To remember that He died. 
That He redeemed.
That He rescued.
That He put to death sin & death.
That He breathed hope onto the world.
That He raised again.

But tonight is about that supper.
That last meal together.
When he broke that bread and poured that wine. 
Enhanced by Zemanta


All things Classy

Yesterday, was a good day.
Yesterday, I bought a fedora.
I figured it was time to enter the scene of all things classy & cool. 
{Actually, I figured, "hey! look at that hat for only 30 yuan! Score!"} 

Fedora's are classy & cool in case you didn't know.
If you didn't know this already, you should probably search 
"How to Wear a Fedora" in google.
Not that I did that or anything.
I mean OF COURSE I know that the back brim folds up and the front brim can be up or down.
Who doesn't? 
And OF COURSE you should wear it along your eyebrow line or some biz.
{okay. fine. Yes. Yes,  I did google 'how to wear a fedora.'}

Upon searching 'how to wear a fedora' you will find wikihow
A wealth of information. 

And according to that wealth of knowledge, 
"The fedora represents class, style, and sophistication. Both men and women can enjoy this fashion trend."

Ya. Baby. Class, style and sophistication.
That basically describes me.
Good thing I bought a fedora to show it off.

Are you classiness are you 
rockin' these days?


Mother Blessings

This weekend I had the great pleasure of going to my sweet friend's, Mckenzie, 
mother blessings shower.
What's a mother blessing shower, you may ask??
A time to bless, encourage, pamper and love on, the mother.
The baby momma.
It's SO much fun getting gifts and tons of adorable baby clothes, new toys, and decorations in anticipation for your new baby.
 {I'm sure, though I don't know personally! 
I imagine it's like Christmas!   :) }

But I think many baby momma's 
need encouragement, support, prayer, 
& just a time for all her sisters' to love on her. 
Amber, our host, decorated her house with beautiful flowers & lots of goodies, of course. 
As a blessing we were asked to use our talents to prepare something for Mckenzie.
People prepared readings from their favorite stories, poems, songs, performances, scripture, and
whatever else their hearts desired for Mckenzie.
Rose, reading, I'll Love You Forever.
Many people read their favorite stories, that they read to their own children, and gave the books to Mckenzie.
Singing her favorite lullabies.
After, she gave Mckenzie the words, so she could sing them to her baby.
Laura played the keyboard, and passed out lyrics, so we could all sing along. 
\Bethany, who is great with her hands, made Mckenzie this adorable diaper bag.
Listening to friends sing songs for Mckenzie.
Sometimes it got a little emotional. :) 
Anabel played Mckenzie a song on the violin.
Mckenzie & her mother, Lee.

There were many other special moments.
Other people read cards, scripture and prayed for Mckenzie.
There was even an I Will Survive parody that pretty much rocked all our socks off.
It was such a sweet time to love on 
this soon to be mommy of 3!

On our way out we all took a candle to light on the day of Mckenzie's C-section, to remember her and pray for her during that day. 

Have you ever been apart of a Mother Blessings party?


Workin' on my Fitness

Or not. 
This pictures are mocked. 
I totally put on a worky-outy looking outfit & 
made Z take pictures of me doing a plank and push up, to which I fell down half way through.
Ya. I did that. 
As I've mentioned previously, I've been sick for 2 weeks. 
And haven't worked out. 
At. all.

But let me tell you, as my runny nose is starting to dry up (TMI?) 
& the weather is feeling a little warmer, 
I am felling so, so, so, SO antsy to workout.

And Zachary has totally been making me jealous this week waking up at 6am and doing his workouts.
He's feeling the burn & loving it!
He's doing a mix between Revolt workouts & P90X workouts. 
A comment on how good Zachary looked today by one of our friends, 
made all of those 6 am workouts well worth it, I'm sure!

It also motivated me even more,
to kick up the vitamin C, get well, and get my fitness on.

What about you?
Are you workin' on your fitness?

Do you need some direction? Want access to a super, awesome work out routine & eating plan??
Plus the chance to win $10,000!?
Check out Revolt
You won't be disappointed friends!


When I lack Words

I lack words today. I lacked words yesterday. 
I'm sick. Still.
And I just don't have much energy for "creative" things. 
Like this blog. 
Sometimes, when I'm sick, I just get in a survival mode. 
Sleep, work, sleep. That sleeping has included naps on my desk & 2 hours naps after work. 

I always find, when I'm lacking words, the best thing to do in my quiet times is to just list all that there is to Praise the Lord for.

So, here is my list, unfluffed. Just real. Whatever is in my heart. 
March 22, 2013
a good open class
Grade 1 students saying the funniest things
seeing respect for teachers in students
decaf coffee
hot water
Chara snuggling my head this morning
Zachary waking early
Zachary's plants
The Lord's unfailing love
good dreams
texts from friends
hilarious blogs that make me burst out laughing
massages yesterday
date night with Zachary last night
'The Bible' series
seeing the Word come to life on screen
the faithfulness and trust in God of Moses
friends asking about baptism
saying "Jesus is all that matters" to a friend, 
and feeling the emotion swelling in my chest of how true that is 
family back home
family here
a warm bed
a best friends pregnant belly
pictures of my baby sister
how my mom protects and loves my baby sister
germ X
Zachary playing worship music
a printer
a laminator
that the floor heating hasn't been turned off yet
the excitement of our friend's coming
the laughs of my coworkers
 a good night's sleep
laughing with my husband
dreaming with him
that the weather is still cold

And suddenly, I'm full of words. 
I feel like I could keep going and going.
My heart starts filling with gratitude. 
And life.
I feel like my eyes open to life.
And it's good.
I started doing this long before 1000 Gifts came out.
Speaking of which, have you guys read this book? If you haven't, do. It's good. Real good.

I started doing this in Santa Cruz. When a sweet sister told me that she did. This sister was going through countless of medical tests trying to figure out what was wrong with her and why she was getting head ache after head ache. 
Headaches, after, she had already found out that she had a muscle disorder, which freezes her muscles, often and in pain. 
I never once saw this girl complain. Or even look 'down'. She just had so much joy.  
And she wrote lists.

And so I started writing lists.

It's not a new idea. It's not original.
Thousands have been doing it before us or before 1000 Gifts became a best seller. 
But that's the beauty,  right? 
And just another thing to be thankful for.
That the Lord's blessings and goodness never cease. They never fail. 
Even in the darkest of times, there's always a list to be wrote. 
We will forever and always have lists upon lists of things to praise Him for. 

What are some of the things on your list today?


That time we went to a broken down dinosaur exhibit

So, once upon a time, I told you about how our school gave us free tickets to a dinosaur exhibit coming to town.
Being a dinosaur an all things free lover, 
of course we had to go. 
And so, Zachary, our sweet friend Kate, and I taxied our way down town and trekked around in search of the spectacular dinosaur exhibit.

We finally found it, lined up to get our free tickets, 
and ended up having to pay 70 yuan for 3 "free" tickets.

Okay. No big deal, we thought.
Because 70 yuan for 3 people is a small price to pay to see some awesome, real and legit dinosaur bones or something.

And so, we trekked on.

And story mode, end. 
I'm not even really sure why I was telling you all that in the form of story, but whatevs.
So we entered the "awesome" dinosaur adventure.
You would think it was awesome the way the Chinese people were crowding inside 
and around each exhibit. 

It wasn't awesome.
This thing would never have made it in the States.
You guys, it was like a broken down, 1950's dinosaur circus or something.
Thankfully all the dinosaurs still moved nicely. That added some fun.
Check out the corner of the Stegosauruses' background.
Ya. A dragon.
Very factual. 
A baby T-Rex. 
What's anything to do with dinosaurs without the king of the Dinosaurs? 

Does seeing dinosaurs make you want to watch Jurassic Park? It so makes me want to.
 You have to take pictures with moving foam dinosaurs.
The things I make him do.
The things I do myself he makes me do. 
Clearly it must have been pretty hot in there. Sweaty face. hot.

Can we just pause right here for a brief moment?

What's the official use rules about the strike out button.
Do I strike out the truth or do I strike out the joke?
Please someone, help me. I'm lookin' like a fool in the blog world.
***Man I probably should have asked this question at the very beginning. Who's gonna even make it this far in this post? ;) *** 

Last but not least, a baby dinosaur hatching from it's giant egg.

I'm really glad I was able to share these incredibly interesting pictures with you.
I know that they really enhanced your day.

I would tell you some really intelligent dinosaur facts that I learned but the walls of information were all in Chinese, so I guess I learned nothing.
Except that dragons existed right around the same time as dinosaurs. :)

Happy Tuesday!


Pinteresting, very pinteresting

I just can't say interesting without rubbing my chin, talking in an accent and saying "Interesting, very interesting." So why should it change for pinteresting?

I still call Pinterest, Pin interest. I don't think pinterest has ever come out of my mouth. Just another one of those coy noa, ken wha, Vlog V-Log things, tomato, tamato. You know.

Here's what I don't find pinteresting. 

GFC going down. Well, Reeder. But we all know GFC will get the axe next. 
{follow me on Bloglovin' here. :) }
It kind of makes me sad. Mostly because it might cause a lot of ma fan.
But I did sort of like the common drama in the blog world. Everyone tweeting about it & blogging about it. {Let's just ignore the fact that I had to tweet asking what the heck everyone was talking about. Clearly I'm not in on the "in" crowd of this little world of ours. ;) } Our own little communities problem, that the rest of the world could care less about. I sort of liked that. Is that weird? It seems like a very Tron thing of me to say. 

Have you guys seen Tron, like the new one, like the one from this decade? We sort of love that movie. 
Probably because we saw it the first time in a 4D movie theater in Korea. It was awesome. It was like we were IN the Tron. Scented air was blowing at us and our chairs were pretty much attacking us. It was great.

So, here's what I find pinteresting as of late.

I have almost 3,800 pins. Is that alot? It seems like alot. I don't even feel like I'm on there that much.
I'm just a pin master, I guess. Pin. pin. pin. You never know when you might need some recipe inspiration or when you'll need to remove a wine stain from your ceiling or build a tube slide from your 3rd floor apartment, or whatever, so it's just safe to pin everything. You know, just in case. ;)

I attempted to make these egg crepes the other night. I couldn't get them as pretty as the picture. 
So, I ended up throwing beef, bell peppers and onions over the top of my broken pieces, and it made for a really great broken omelette. 
I really want to try these with something sweet in the egg and see if its true that they taste like real crepes. I think that cream cheese, apricot jam {or something?} in the picture looks fantastic.

Don't you just love LC? Some of you are probably like, who in the world is that? 
And if you're saying that, my props to you.
It's best to not get sucked in to reality TV.
But if you do know who she is, don't you just love her? 
I do. 
And her skin. It's just gorgggg. 
So, we'll have to see if it's possible to get glowing Lauren Conrad skin with baking soda & water.
Hilarious. Right?
Oh man. Wind breakers. Those were the worst.
I can't stop starting at it. 
It's like the modern young lady, old woman drawing.
It's just... adorable. And clever.
Love it.
Seriously dying laughing & repeating this sentence over and over in different sheep accents.
Irish sheep. British sheep. Chinese sheep. All the sheep.
Love, love, love this times a million.
Though, I'd probably wear some longer shorts. ;)
Yum. Don't these sound delicious! And only 4 ingredients!
  • Vegetable-oil cooking spray
  • 1 pound grated fresh coconut or unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 2 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 can (12 ounces) evaporated milk
I know chalk boards are showing up on everything these days but there's a reason for that, right?
They're hecka fun!
I would love to have this in my back yard!
Except, please someone invent some mass produced liquid chalk, that doesn't make your fingers all dusty or make you come super close to scratching your nail on the chalk board. 

{ughhhhhh. I hate it when that happens! Sometimes that piece of chalk your using to teach kindergartners phonics just becomes too short and before you know it, your middle finger nail scrapes across the chalk board! It takes me at least a whole minute to recover from the cringe that responds through out my whole body.}
That is all.

Want to follow me on Pinterest?
You're the best.

What do you find Pinteresting lately?
Leave me your link in the comment box below!