
Tuesday Tidbits

I am starting a new thing starting this week, Tuesday Tidbits. Clever, right?

We enjoyed our weekend. It was busy, to say the least. We had some pretty crazy experiences and have some amazing stories from the past week, that maybe we'll share sometime.

So, here's some random tidbit's from the Mosby's for you!

  • We LOVE The Office. I don't know why we haven't blogged about it before! If you want to read all about our love for the show, you can read about it here. We've been watching a lot of The Office lately.
  • Soon we'll have some pics up of a  recent photo shoot of Chara and a Chara update. We might be a little obsessed. 
  • Zachary and Chara love to play! 
  • We have loved getting to know this little man, Meric, and his momma more this past week. 

We went to Starbucks and some Chinese girls put their glasses on him. He's quite the celebrity in Qingdao. He's been in the newspaper and a commercial. Everyone loves him! He is so precious and constantly smiles! He was wobbling all around Starbucks, making everyone else smile, too.

  • More Starbucks this past week! :) 

Check out this Chinese advertisement for Via. I bet it looks  exactly the same in the States, just in English! 
  • Qingdao's most famous landmark in May 4th Square;
  • City Hall and some pretty landscaping.

  • We found a sign with Austin on it! Not sure if it's related to Austin, TX at all, but still, I was excited.

  • We tried a famous expat-restuarant here called The Canvas. They have a huge bookshelf of English books that you can borrow, too. I picked out two for us to read.

These cream cheese stuffed peppers were awesome. So was the BBQ chicken pizza below. I know, right. Healthy meal.

It's always nice to see American condiments. (But boo!!! to only having KRAFT parmesan. Say no to Kraft!) I mostly took this picture for Sally. Sally, they have Tabasco in China! Come visit us! 

  •  We are super thankful for the REDSTAR magazine in Qingdao! It's the number one place to go, next to foreigner word of mouth, for info on shopping and eating in Qingdao. It comes out every month and always has interesting articles and info on monthly shows and events. Also, it's the only magazine I can read in Qingao! I have yet to see any English magazines besides REDSTAR! I miss flipping through magazines! Send me some?? :)

  •  In my fight against anxiety, I always need visible sweet reminders.

  •  Qingdao is HUMID these days. Check out my shiny face! Zachary bought a face towel while we were out today to wipe off his continuous dripping brow. Reminds us of Texas. 

  • Flowers for the week. I really love the fuchsia ones. I had to look up the spelling for fuchsia for that last sentence. Wack-o spelling! These are the words that stump foreign (and non-foreign for that matter) speakers and readers! I also have no idea what kind of flowers those are because I know nothing about flowers! Anyone know?

  • In an effort to actually try the things I am pinning on Pinterest I painted this for the living room wall. I keep painting things and taking them down. I just can't get the look I want for the living room. But I was pleased with this tree. :)

  •  Sherry, our friend, bought me some candles, since she saw in our apartment how much I liked them! I'm just so excited to be able to buy candles in Qingdao, since they were so rare in Dongying. 

  •  Here's our very groovy living room light. It has like 5 different settings. One setting even changes all different colors every few seconds.

  • Chara loves hanging out under the table while we're eating. So stereotypical dog-stuff, waiting for food to drop. She's one of the best cooking buddies for that reason! She never leaves my side in the kitchen.

  •  Now that we are on vacation, our 9:30 Dongying bedtime has been pushed back quite a bit. We have been staying up way too late. Mainly me. Here, I am, wide eyed awake, while Zachary is passed out already. Night time was always the best time for me! Seems like I haven't had all this night time energy since college! But, this also means, that I have not been getting up till 11 and 12! Eek. Better get back into a routine soon!

  • We are still enjoying our current house guest, Joshua. 

Can you see him sneaking into our picture in the background?
Family. :) 
  • Zachary's been playing a lot of guitar lately. Chara loves it when he plays. Usually she falls asleep peacefully while he's playing. His voice is so beautiful, you guys. It's just amazing. I am constantly praising God for a house that's filled with worship because of his gift of music (and heart for the Lord). He wrote an amazing song this past week. I'm hoping to post podcasts of him singing but he gets all nervous and shy every time I try to record him. It's just not fair that I'm the only one that gets to hear his singing. :) I love hearing the way his voice and guitar playing skills are always improving, too. I know nothing about music! (and flowers and how to spell fuchsia and a lot of other things!) But I can hear. And I hear him, and think, "Oh, that's good." And then, "Oh, that's even better!" And the next day, "That's amazing!" And on and on. :)

  • Some little weevle looking this bit Zachary. He pulled it off of his arm, right when it looked like it was about to burrow, or do something strange. A few seconds later his arm was super itchy and red! Yuck! Now we can't stop feeling little creepy crawlies crawling around all over us. You can barely see it here, but in real life, it's very red.
  • Loving these big purple grapes! They taste like wine to me. You don't eat the peel, instead you slurp out the middle. We are eating these things like popcorn.

Hope you enjoyed our Tuesday Tidbits! Hope you guys have an awesome Tuesday!


  1. I loved Tuesday Tidbits!! It's Awesome!!! Live the pictures and stories!! I love you and am so very proud of you ! You are both amazing!!!

  2. Love the pics of Chara and Zach! Love your painting! Your new light is very chic! Love the red flowers in the field! The little boy looks like Jacob at that age!! What commercials does he do? Love Zachs voice! Is the Starbucks your drinking caffine free??

  3. Had a long comment written the other day, but somehow it didn't post. So, now I'll shorten it and just tell you that I love your blogs and look forward to Tuesday Tidbits. We are learning so much about the things that you two experience on a day-to-day basis and that helps us feel nearer you. So, keep writing. Loved all the pictures of the three of you. You make an amazing family!! So glad that Zach is playing guitar and, yes, he does definitely have a wonderful voice. Love you lots. G'ma C.


What do you think? Your comments make us do happy dances in the middle of restaurants and bring huge smiles across our faces.