Attention Dallas residents: Eat at Dallas Grilled Cheese Co. located in the Bishop Arts District in Oak Cliff. That is all. Okay, no. That's not all. Can we just pause and look at the above piece of art work? I am figuratively (because actually would be gross) drooling thinking about that billion calorie sandwich, right now. It's amazing.

Here's some more pictures of that goodness. Zachary and I have gone twice to Dallas Grilled Cheese Company and every time we order the Reuben with sour kraut and the P.F.s Favorite. Or P.D.s Favorite. Somebodies favorite. Both are equally good in different ways and so we can never (the two times we've gone) choose which one to get, so we get them both and split them. Seriously, after eating the above, I don't have to eat anything else for the rest of the day. Not because I shouldn't considering the amount of calories, but because it's just so good and satisfying, and what else can compare that day? Nothing. That's all. An entire post about a grilled cheese restaurant. :) 
If you are in the Waxahachie area, I would love to meet you !! You are welcome to come make some earrings in my studio !!!
that grilled cheese looks delicious!!