
Fishing at 6 Mile

While at my Papa Ted's house last month, we (the fam) decided to make our way down to Taledo Bend Lake for some good ole' fishing. We made sure to stop on the way to get Sophie-girl her very own fishing pole, which came with this cute-Disney Princess tackle box! And because Sophie is hard core, she let me fill it with fishing worms.
We drove down to 6 Mile, not to be confused with Eminem's 8 Mile, for our fishing fun. My grandma and grandpa own a Lake House at Toledo Bend, and were in town for the weekend, so they happily joined our fishing party. DSC03127DSC03129Our underwater camera gets to do all kinds of fun things, like be emerged into the bucket of minnows. DSC03128The fishing area we choose was beautiful, people free, and gave us great views.
DSC03135Poor Minnow. DSC03136We loaded our rods with bait, sat down and did the thing you do when you're fishing. Waited. And waited. And reeled in. And cast out again. And waited. And got our hooks (okay, just mine) caught in plant life. And waited. DSC03142DSC03143He's super happy and always optimistic. And seems to enjoy the waiting. DSC03144DSC03146So we waited.DSC03145And looked at things through the binoculars.
DSC03126And waited. Watched the birds. And waited. DSC03152And waited. And caught 0 fish. Wamp wah. So really, we didn't have that great of a time fishing. Fishing's a little discouraging when you catch nothing, huh? But we had a fun time together! And that's what matters, yes? Also, Sophie-girl mastered casting her Princess Rod. She's a natural. :) So, that was good! Do you like fishing?
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  1. Looks fun, I want a Texas bandana too!

  2. Fishing is lots of sitting and waiting. :) What kind of underwater camera do you have? The photo of the fish was so neat!


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