
Alice in Wonderland Murder Mystery Party

You know, some days, I really wish professional photographers weren't so expensive or really that someone just willingly wanted to come to my house with a camera and take amazing pictures, for free, because there has been a few events, that the pictures I took, just didn't do the fun that was had justice. This Alice in Wonderland Murder Mystery Party we hosted back in October, was one of those events. Let me just say, if you've never attended/hosted a murder mystery party, ATTEND ONE! or HOST ONE! They are suppppper fun. We love, love, love these fun filled evenings. We're hoping to have a Murder Mystery Night tradition in the Mosby household once a year. You may remember our Harry Potter themed party last year. If not you can read about the festivities here. I must say though,  this year was even more fun. It was so much 'funner' guys. ;)
This guy. Man. Who knew he was such an actor, delivering Academy Award winning worthy performances? I sure didn't know. There was something about this character, The Mad Hatter, that just brought out Zachary's crazy side. Like he WAS Mad Hatter and it was kind of amazing.  I wish I had video. If only I had video! 
Beautiful Alice and Cheshire. 
The cook who loves pepper, who also says, "Would you like some pe-puh?" Because she's from the U.K. and it's just the cutest.
The White Crazy Rabbit. 
These two. They could have won the Academy for best acting duo at a Murder Mystery Party.
The Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter.
The Duchess, who in the book always carries around a baby. So, of course, Elijah came over. I'm obsessed with this picture and how hilarious it is. Elijah looks HUGE in Nicole's arms. 
As always, I loved preparing our costumes and all the decorations but the script this year was fantastic, and really made it a great night. I found it on the MurderMysteryGames shop via Etsy. They have tons of themes to choose from. All the themes come with print outs, a folder of MP3 theme music, scripts, menus and all the directions and details you need. I also loved adding little touches here and there that really made the night's ambiance feel like Wonderland. As party favors, I loved these 'Read Me.' postcards from Tiny Prints. Since all our guests were expats, postcards seemed like the perfect favor, too!
Discussing and voting on who we think the murderer was and who our awards should go to!
Tallying up the scores! There were several awards to be handed out. Best Costume, Best Actor, Best Improvisor, Best One Liners, Best Actress, Most Realistic, Etc. 
Best  Improvisor: Rabbit
I wish I could write a list of all the winners here, but I forgot! Womp womp wahhh.
Chara came out to play after the party.
Alice in Wonderland Murder Mystery Party 2014!

Want to host your own Alice in Wonderland party? Follow my Alice in Wonderland Pinterest board for some ideas! Also, here's a few, basic (very basic) Printables for you! Just Right Click, Save Image and Print!
Can we all just take a moment and 'oo' and 'aaa' over the above printable? I am no graphic designer so the above printable took me ages. You guys, you don't even know! That yellow crown there, well. That's actually a yellow square. And I spent ages putting black triangles in the right places to create the perfect crown. Also, those red hearts. It takes a while to turn them all the right way, the way you want them. Oooos and Aaahhss, ready, go!


For all the fun Alice and Wonderland inspiring quotes as printables, just Pinterest it or google search!  There are tons that amazing, graphic designer oriented people have made that will knock your  parties socks off.

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  1. This just looks amazing. The costumes and decorations are awesome! I just went to my first murder mystery party last weekend and it was such a blast, I am ready for another!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the whole thing looks like so much fun! I looked into it, but I didn't have enough time do one at the moment, can't wait until we get to throw or attend our first one!

  4. I do a mystery every year for the ladies of my family. This one looks like so much fun to do for this year. Could you please tell me where you got your mystery.

    Thanks so much and God bless.
    Barbara Coe

  5. P.S. I love the free printables. Thanks a bunch

    God bless.


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