
Our Fourth

For the fourth we were invited to our friend’s, The Corl's, house. Todd was super patriotic and decorated everything spectacularly! In all my life, this was probably the most patriotic party I’ve ever been to, and we’re in China! Their house was decorated with tons of flags, red, white and blue and posters of flag scenes. They even had a Constitution hanging on the cabinet.
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We sang the National Anthem, said a prayer, and dug into tons of American fare! We had burgers, baked beans, watermelon, potato salad and chicken, Yum!
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Zachary and I went up to eat on the roof where all the kids were eating. Most of the adults stayed down stairs, but I can never turn down the opportunity to eat on a roof, with ocean & mountain views. Eating on a roof makes everything better. IMO.

After lunch we had dessert! I made lemon bars and a lemon, blueberry cake and another lady brought monster cookies! Everything was delicious. After lunch we sat around the living room and told stories and laughed. My cheeks hurt when we left from laughing so hard. We had to leave early, but as we were leaving everyone was planning to go outside for a watermelon seed spitting contest and to play kickball! So fun!

Lemon Blueberry Cake-Recipe found here. :)
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It was a great afternoon.  I really felt for one of the first times since being in China, like it was a holiday!  Thank you Todd and Sue for a great party!!!
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