Our local Expat magazine, The Red Star, featured an article that featured some Chinese Ghost stories/legends, so really, it would be much easier to just let them share the first with you. :)
Our close Chinese friend, Abigail, is from a village in China, and she said this sight is so common for her. She has often heard people doing this and seen parents on the side of the road waving their kids clothing.
My goodness, poor children!! Can you imagine the amount of counseling they will need later in life for the major trauma they experienced that scared them "soul-less "?! Not to mention the fact that they were told that they were soulless and from waking up in the middle of the night to their parents rubbing their earlobes, rejoicing that their soul was back?! Major issues people, major.
I'm not gonna lie though, part of me really wished I had seen this before, in order to take a picture and show you of course. But of course, for the sake of the child, am delighted I haven't!
Now that is a strange one...