
Happy Weekend from all the Divas!

Check her out, you guys. Christina Bianco is incredibly talented & even more hilarious. I'm so thankful I ran across this video. I'm addicted. I think I could watch her You Tube channel over and over. It's just fun. And I need a little fun in my life today! So, hope you enjoy Readers. Also, anyone know how I can make a You Tube video bigger in blogger?! Please, and thank you.

Hilarious, right? I would so love to see her live, I bet it's a great show. 

Also, Readers, family, friends THANK YOU so very much for your prayers for my heart and my doctor's appointment. It looks like my little ole' heart is A-okay. Everything turned out normal, no serious arrythmias or heart disease. It's just another reminder of why I need to reduce all this anxiety and stress in my life. Doctor prescribed; No caffeine of any kind! Good bye daily de caf Americanos & treats of chocolate, No smoking of anytime! Good bye that 1-2 times a year I smoke hookah. No more alcohol! Good bye my new favorite, mint cocktail. Adios! I won't miss any of you at all if it's in exchange for my heart acting normally! OKay. Let's be real. I'm already missing my daily Americano's! But Lord give me strength! Also, daily excercise. Good bye LBs! And, a trip to Bali to sit on the beach and do nothing.  If only. How good of a chance do you think I have at convincing Zachary he actually perscribed that... ?? ;) 

As you know, coffee shops are huge parts of our life. They're our sanctuary! A place to get away, reflect, read, and so on. Not every day but lately to cope with my anti decaf Americano/coffee free boring life, I've been trying to spice it up a bit with things like, mango teas, fresh juices, strawberry banana smoothies, or this beauty, a blue berry latte.

Have an awesome weekend friends! Thank you for reading! And thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers. 

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