"I knew I was at death's door.. I knew it was over. And I saw my family. And I saw my funeral. And everyone was crying and wiping their faces and saying, 'She was just a prostitute.' And that's when I said, 'Jesus! Please save me. I don't know if you're real but I don't want to die... and I laid there and I had this peace come over me like nothing I've ever felt in my life. And I knew God gave it to me....The Holy Spirit started speaking to me telling me that I was beautiful, and set apart and sanctified, a holy vessel for Him. I started standing on Jesus' words, that I'm whole, that I'm healed, that I'm pure that I'm a virgin in Him. And that gives me peace."
"Jesus, if you're real like that pastor said, than you have to take these drugs from me. Come into my life. Come into my heart... Search me. Search my heart... Father. I felt so much fatherly love from heaven. And it was like, I don't condemn you. It was just love and love and love... It was so powerful the next day I threw away all of my drugs."
Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
See more at I am Second. Love you guys.
I love the new look of your blog!