

So remember how yesterday I said I was jumping back on the Revolt wagon? 
Well. I changed my mind.

It's not that I don't want to get stronger, eat healthier, loose weight and have some sort of system that keeps me accountable to those things because, I do.

It's just that I lacked peace about it.
And I don't think you should do anything without His perfect peace.

I went to a meeting last night with a group of amazing woman, to talk about some amazing things that God is doing & that we will be doing over the next few months and there, I felt

such peace.

I feel such peace talking about Him & dreaming His dreams.
In the midst of that, I feel like, THIS, this is what my life is sold to. 
I am sold out. I'm completely satisfied in Him.

Sure, while staring at my fat in the mirror, I sometimes forget that,
but deep in my heart, in my spirit, I know, it, as in life, has nothing, NOTHING to do with my reflection in the mirror.

And that's what I want to live for. 
And that's what I want to blog about.
I know I don't usually post about very "Jesus-y" things, where I'm sharing all the ends and outs of my heart and God's heart and all that He's doing and teaching me.
But I think Jesus is in all things. Even in posts about Fedoras or a tour of our home. 

He permeates all of life & 
He's teaching me that through this blog.
This blog has become a place where He's changing me, 
to take my eyes off of myself {though it's a blog mostly about me, ha} and 
open my eyes to the beauty that's all around me,
in pictures, 
in our day to day life,
in our family,
in our friends,
in our readers. 
He's changing me into a person that has 
more fun, 
smiles more, 
sees the sunny side
& fears less. 
And He's using this blog as a tool for that. 

One day I might explain more why, 
but for now I'll just say
that at this point in my life,
a strict weight-loss system doesn't fit into the above.
And I don't want to do anything to ruin this. 
I want to feel alive & inspired 
& write out of desire 
when I push that "compose new" button,
and not because I must. 

And before you ask,
I DO think that Jesus permeates 
all aspects of life, 
even work out plans & eating plans, & weight loss systems,
if you let Him.

But for me, until work out plans, eating plans & weight loss systems
lead me to Him,
and are for His glory in my life,
I won't be including them in this blog. 

That doesn't mean I won't post things about living or striving to be healthy. 
That doesn't mean I won't start running & cut down the sugar because all that for mentioned mush,
but it DOES mean I will not let weight loss consume my life.
And right now, Revolt would. 

***If you don't struggle with what I struggle with and would love to include a more disciplined weight training, eating & weight loss plan in your life I highly recommend Revolt. I think it's a great system & I hope one day I'll be in a place to try it! And I feel so honored that I was asked to be apart of the bloggers to participate in it. ***


  1. I love how you have shared your heart here! Much like for you, my blog has changed me for the better, and I believe it is in large part because I write about what God is placing on my heart and how He is impacting my life. I have been blessed by the silly and serious side of you! Thank you, Heather!!

  2. Good for you! :) I love this post because it is a beautiful reminder of what is most important, that Jesus is (and should be) the center of it all, and the importance of peace.

    This is definitely something I needed to read today. :)


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