
The Facts of Me

If you haven't checked out Whitney's blog yet, you totally should. 
She's a genius. I mean her blog title talks about wearing yoga pants. 
Of course she's a genius.
I was super stoked to see her link up this week. The facts of Me.
I've already learned some hilarious stuff about some of my favorite bloggers via this link up. 
Living in Yellow 
And now, it's your lucky day, because I'm linking up. 
Fact=  I freaking love to sleep. I will sleep to the very possible last second that Zachary allows me to and then I'll still probably whine to sleep ten minutes more. 
Why, yes, yes this is a fake picture of myself sleeping that I just took on my computer. 
Thanks for asking.

Fact=  Because of said love, my mom grew up poking me, pouring water on me, yanking my blankets off, anything to get me out of bed.
Fact=  I grew up doing beauty pageants. Don't worry, this summer I'll definitely scan pictures while I'm at home so you can be shocked and awed that I was one of the Toddler's in Tiaras girls. I mean.. I was actually like 9, but still. 
I'm the giant on the left.
Fact=  I also grew up playing softball and roller hockey. 
Fact=  I am obsessed with inline skating and am a little too proud about my skill.
Ya. I know. I can jump with skates on. Pretty much amazing. ;)
Fact= I can eat Chinese clams and edamame like no bodies business. They're freaking delicious.
Fact= I think my dog is the cutest thing ever. 
Fact= I also think my husband is the hottest thing ever. 
Especially while holding a bible. :)

Fact= I am obsessed with Harry Potter and The Office.

Fact= The Lord is always good. And I love Him. 

What are your facts?
Only 2{ish} more days to link up


  1. How cute are you little miss pageant queen!?

  2. That pageant picture is so awesome! I also love sleep, but don't seem to be getting much of it lately. Have a great weekend!

  3. Love the pageant picture. Thanks for sharing. So do you have movie clips from the talent show to share too?


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