
Cribs: Bloggin' Style

What up homies?
Please don't stop reading because I just said homies. :)
{In case you didn't know, gangstas always drink Starbucks decaf coffee}
Guess what?!
I am suuuupper excited to start a link up. 
But not just any link up. 
A Vlog Link Up in particular.

So, while we're on the topic of Vlogs, how do you say Vlog?

I always say "vlog" like blog but with a D. 
This seemed like a no brainer to me. Like duh it would be pronounced that way. 
BUT THEN I watched some Vlog's and heard it pronounced "V-Log" like V to the Log. And then I felt silly. So what's the verdict? How do you pronounce it?

Why a Vlog link up you may ask?
  •      Because I just love making videos. It's fun, different and people love watching them!     {Especially our family!}  And we love watching them, too. It's a great way to save memories!
  •    We have an awesome camera that we bought before moving overseas and rarely use it.
  • I would LOVE to see some of you on video! {Get your minds out of the gutter.. ;)}
  •          I would also LOVE to get a glimpse into your home. :) Or city. Or work place. Or where ever else this Vlog Link Up takes us.

But the first week, to kick this baby up, we're starting with CRIBS. 
As in yo' crib. 
As in your home for those who lack the gangsta gene.

Do you remember MTV Cribs?! Super fun! And I'm way more excited to see into your Cribs than any celebrity's... I mean except Lauren Conrad's {sue me. I like her!} ...and Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's... and Robert Patterson & Kristen Stewart's... Jim & Pam's & all the other Office stars {not the actual celebrities just the show's characters} ... and.. okay.
 I mean so let's say I'm equally excited to see yours!

So Ladies, get your houses ready. Stock your fridges. {You know how on Cribs they always had like an entire shelf of Fiji water?!} Install your shelves upon shelves of shoes. "Honey, I have to buy another pair! I'm shooting Cribs tomorrow!" {Ya, I don't think that will fly with Z.} And get your video cameras prepped because we're linking up on February 4-11!

Are you excited?! Please say yes. 
Because it would be super lame if people had to watch our video over and over! 

How can we help advertise this totally awesome link up?! 
So, glad you asked. 

You can post this button anywhere on your blog. 
Blog about it.
Tweet about it. 
Chat about it. 
Whatever you want. 
The Mosbys in China
<div align="center"><a href="http://themosbysinchina.blogspot.com/2013/01/cribs-bloggin-style.html" title="The Mosbys in China"><img src="http://i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj547/themosbys13/cribs_zpse2a4210c.jpg" alt="The Mosbys in China" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Also, if you are interested in co-hosting, I would love to have you! 
I'm looking for 3-4 bloggers. 

"You've seen my button, you've seen my {blog}, Now get outta of here!" 
{Remember, they'd always say that at the end of every episode of cribs? 
And then push the camera guy out! } 

**Please note that your Vlog in no way has to resemble the MTV show cribs. It's just simply a Video tour or your casa. Your house. :) And maybe the Bentleys & Porsches  you have stocked up in the garage. ;)} 


  1. This idea is genius, and has the potential to be hilarious. lol. I'll be looking forward to it!

  2. Unfortunately, I cannot bring myself to put my face or voice on video...that's why I write. :) Looking forward to watching these Vlogs (not, V-Logs), though.

  3. So the V-logs are like uploading videos on youtube? what's the difference between the two?

    Mrs. Mosby I'm interested in writing a guest post. Let me know what kind of topic you would like me to write on if there is still spots available.

  4. Sounds super fun! I always love to peek in people's houses! Even better when it's legal {wink, wink!} I would love to link up and co-host, if you still need some bloggers! We are moving into a new home next week, so it will be pretty bare, but would still love to share! ~Kelly @ Eyes on the Source

  5. UM I love this, so cute!! I want to co-host!! Email me! :)


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