He loves so well. I am so thankful for you Zachary.
Thank you for continuously pointing me to Jesus.
And telling me I'm beautiful.
I was having a long day Friday and was feeling super tired by the time I got home at 7:30, really not wanting to cook.
I had asked Zachary to go to the grocery store for me to get the list of groceries I texted him, but didn't tell him how I really didn't feel like cooking. Somehow he just knew.
Husbands are good for that. :)
I got home, flustered and bracing myself to start making dinner, turned the corner and saw a dinner already prepared, candles lit and new flowers. :)

Clams, chicken, salad and bread.
Wine and Chocolate. Candles. :)
He even put You've Got Mail in for after dinner.
Sliced apples, nutella, chocolate chips and a frosting heart. :) So sweet and thoughtful.
When was the last time you 'romanced' your spouse?
I can tell you first hand, I felt so very loved.
Try romancing your spouse this next week!
I know they'll appreciate it and feel your love.
Happy Romancing!
So sweet! So wonderful to see the love you two have for one another. You are blessed. Love you very much.