
Zachary's Page

Updated: November 5 2011

What am I thinking about?

  • Discipleship: I have been thinking a lot about discipleship in how I follow "J".  For the last few years I have had a real longing to be discipled by an older man. As I was reading a recommended book "The Forgotten Ways", I remembered the thought that I am a disciple of "J". A scary thought but a true thought that I had some-how forgotten. I have wanted a man that I could ask real questions to about following "J". But I now come to realize that "J" was the man I was looking for all along. 
  • Baptism: I have always wanted to better understand all that's packed into baptism. I have come to some real understanding about "The Way" and our history of baptism. One major thought, baptism is the sign of the new covenant as circumcision was a sign of the old.  
  • Running: I am running a half marathon with Heather, when we go home in January. In China, it has been such an enjoyable time. I am really glad that its become apart of my life and am excited about finishing the race. 
What am I doing?
  • Greek: I am studying biblical Greek a few times a week on selected parts of scripture. It has been a lot of fun. I don't have the time to commit to an in-depth study. But hopefully it will keep me familiar with the language. 
  • Guitar: I am still playing guitar. I am slowly improving my skills. There is a guitar school down he road and the asked me to come hang out. So hopefully I will get to spend some time with these people. Loving them and getting better at guitar.
  • Chinese: I am really excited about learning Chinese. I really want to be fluent in another language. I know Chinese is pretty difficult, but if we are living here it will hopefully be easier to learn. We are still looking for a teacher but found a great book. 
  • Chara:  I love our puppy Chara. She is getting so big. My relationship with here at the beginning was complicated. There was a lot of love and hate. But now there is mostly love. She is about 90% house broken and is learning new tricks left and right. I spend a lot of time working with her.
  • Reading:  I have done as much reading as I would like. I really want to pickup a few book online. Any sugestions?
  • Photography: I love taking pictures with our camera. It has been so much fun. And the blog is a great opportunity for us to really practice taking good pictures. We are hoping to do some family portraits when we come home. I am really enjoying studying photography. 
What am I feeling?
       I feel pretty good in China. I actually love China more than Korea. The pace of life is much better for me. I tend to be an anxious person. I don't know why but I am really trying to ask for freedom of that spirit. Anxiety is the fruit of worry and worry is the opposite of trust. It has been good for me to live in a country that has a slower pace of life. I am thankful for that. I love the people. Even though I can't speak the language. It is good for me to be in contact with people and with the mess of life. In other parts of the world the mess is hidden. All of our trash is taken to a dump out of site. Here your trash is taken to the side of the road and burned or recycled. I am very much interested in coming to know and understand this way of life. It is dirtier, but more humble. I think I would prefer humility over cleanliness. 

1 comment:

  1. Zachary, thank you for being the wonderful young man that you are. I so enjoy reading your and Heahter's posts and seeing the pictures. You two will have such wonderful stories to tell your children one of these days--and all of us back home! It is amazing how different experiences prepare us for other assignments. The experiences you and Heather are having will be used in ways that you cannot imagine in the future. May you be granted the peace that only comes from the freedom found in your beliefs. You two are always in our thoughts and we cannot wait to see you and spend time with you. Love you two so much. Grandma


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